
Impersonation Scams

There are many impersonation scams and they keep changing from brand to brand and department to department. IRS to SSA Ebay to Amazon. Regardless of the entity being impersonated, the end result is the same, either gift cards or cash package. These kinds of scams are the most ruthless. They aim to take every last penny from the person with no regard for the persons age or situation.

Support Scams

These scams sometimes fall in the pseudo-scam category as they sometimes provide actual support but the method of contact is fraudulent, their diagnosis is scripted and the results are the same, high charges for unnecessary software and a stealth connection so they can connect to your computer in the future to cause more problems, which prompts you to call them and pay more money for another fix.

Charity Scams

Sometimes coming in the form of PAC’s or Political Action Committees, charity scams can sometimes be the hardest to detect. Prior research is almost always needed to discern real from fake. Many organizations cold call people to solicit donations for their organization that is named after a charitable cause. These donations go towards the marketing and fundraising costs and not to the actual charity. These scams are disgusting as they prey on a persons good will and take money directly from the charities that need it.

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